Application Form for Admission 2025/2026



  • Please read our Admissions Policy prior to application. The purpose of this Application Form is to register your details for consideration of a place in First Year in our school 2025/2026.
  • Please ensure that all sections are complete.
  • Completion of this application does not guarantee admission. The school does not take any responsibility for application forms not received.
  • All of the information that you provide in this application form is taken in good faith. If it is found that any of the information is incorrect, misleading or incomplete, the application may be rendered invalid.
  • Please understand that it is your responsibility to inform the school of any change in contact information or circumstances relating to this application.
  • For information regarding how your data is processed and stored by the school, please go to the school’s Data Protection Policy on the school website.
Applicant Details


Please answer the questions below in relation to the child you are applying for a place at this school.

Parent/Guardian Details


Parent/Guardian 1

Parent/Guardian 2

School correspondence should be addressed to:

School Information


1. Has the applicant any siblings currently enrolled in Presentation College Headford?

Please answer Yes/No and give name(s) of sibling(s)

2. Has the applicant any siblings who were previously enrolled in Presentation College Headford?

Please answer Yes/No & give the name(s) of sibling(s)

3. Are either of the parents/guardians a past-pupil of Presentation College Headford?

Please answer Yes/No and give the name of parents/guardians and years they attended PCH

Current school of the applicant

Special class

  • Autism/Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Required document


Confirmation & Acceptance


  • I confirm that the Code of Behaviour for the school is acceptable to me as the student’s parent/guardian and I shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance by the student if they secure a place in the school.
  • I confirm that all of the information supplied in this Application Form is complete and correct.
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the school of any change in contact information or circumstances relating to this application.